Bec Brittain
Marble Taking Flight
Lightness and vitality. Bec Brittain’s study of weights and proportions wasn’t meant to be a pure sculptural exercise but, rather, aimed to make marble more her own, an everyday material. With its inner light, “Heron” glides over the desk or table in an elongated, slightly angular shape reminiscent of the bird it draws inspiration from even in its colors (white, ash grey, pink). “Heron” sees with the eyes of the soul, with the intimate light of marble.
Technical Information
  Bianco Michelangelo
  Fior Di Pesco Carnico
  Rosa Egiziano
18 x Ø 6 x 85 cm
7 x Ø 2.4 x 33.5 in


The lamp electrical components are UL certified for sales outside EU. The Lamp are CE Certified for sales inside EU.
Made in Italy, hand finished.
Useful Information
MMAIRO marble products are made of valuable materials and need to be handled with care. Any difference between similar objects and from their picture on the catalogue are due to the nature of the marble, and costitute an additional value of each piece, making it truly unique and special. The contact with acid or corrosive substances may adversely affect the surface. Hand washing is recommended. Special stain treatment, where necessary food compatible.
Bec Brittain

For her, design is a true kind of love: Bec Brittain studied product design at Parsons School of Design and philosophy at NYU before graduating in architecture at the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London. She later returned to New York to work with the renowned WORKac. Driven by a passion for small-scale production and the use of elegant materials, in 2008 she was named design director of the prestigious Lindsey Adelman Studio. In 2011, Brittain founded her own brand, which was greatly acclaimed right from the start for the magnificent blend of technology, architecture and materials that creates defined, luxe and indubitably innovative objects. Her favorite materials? No question about it – hand-blown glass, mirrored surfaces and metals like nickel and polished brass.


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