Cookies Policy

The website (“Site”) uses cookies. The following is important information on how cookies are used and how visitors (“Users”) can keep or delete them.

1. What is a cookie?

Cookies are small text files that are sent to the terminals (usually the browser) of Users that visit those websites, and stored. At the User’s next visit, the cookies are then retransmitted to those websites allowing them to store and access the searches performed by the User.
Most websites use cookies as part of the tools that allow Users to search through a website’s pages in an efficient manner and, more generally, to improve the User’s browsing experience. Specifically:

  • to navigate efficiently;
  • to store the username and the preferences entered;
  • to measure the services accessed by Users, enhancing the services and the navigation experience;
  • to send advertising information that is consistent with the Users’ preferences in the context of their searches on the Site.

2. What cookies do we use?

We use:

  • session cookies: these cookies remain active until the browser is closed;
  • permanent cookies: these cookies remain active over multiple visits. They are used in such a way that, when a User returns to the Site, they automatically recognise the User’s computer without identifying them personally, and provide a customised browsing experience by remembering the User’s preferences;
  • first-party cookies: these are sent exclusively from the Site visited.

3. Types of cookies used on this Site

This Site uses technical cookies, i.e. those that enable the correct operation of the Site and are always installed by Mmairo S.r.l. These cookies are necessary to view the pages correctly and will therefore always be used, unless the User changes their browser settings (which may compromise their ability to correctly view the Site). Within this category, we can differentiate between:

  1. browser or session cookies: ensure the normal browsing and functioning of the Site (e.g. allowing to authenticate the User’s access to reserved areas);
  2. analytics cookies: collect information about the way in which the Site is being used by the User in order to improve the quality of the Site and the services on offer. All the information collected about the activity of the Users of the Site, the way in which they have reached it, and the pages they visited are in aggregate form; therefore, the data collected cannot identify the User. Cookies belonging to this category are sent from the Site itself.

4. Cookies used and their purpose

Name of cookie Purpose Type of cookie Source and origin of cookie
Cookie-law-bar Check Setting Track Wordpress
Google Analytics Analytics Track Google Analytics

5. Management of cookie preferences

At any given time, the User can choose whether to accept or refuse cookies simply by modifying their browser settings, bearing in mind that completely disabling cookies from their browser may compromise the functionality of parts of the Site.
Most of the Internet search engines (browsers) automatically accept cookies; however, it is possible to set one’s browser to provide a warning each time an operator attempts to send cookies to the user and/or to stop them. Most of the browsers report information on how to prevent the storage of cookies in one’s browser or how to set a warning before accepting cookies, i.e. how to disable cookies altogether.
Below, Users can find the pages describing the settings for each browser in more detail:

For more detailed information on how to manage cookies, please visit the website:
If the User utilises more than one browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc.) the procedure must be repeated for each, and if multiple devices are used to access the Internet (e.g. from work and from home), the preferences must be set for the browsers of each device.

© Mmairo S.r.l. - Viale XX Settembre 177 F2, 54033 Avenza Carrara (MS) - Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA 01347640458 - ESG (en) (it) - Privacy (en) (it) - Cookies (en) (it)