Table Cloths
A little bit board and a little bit tray. The distinctive opening welcomes a glass, a napkin and makes for a better grip, which makes Paletta perfect for cocktails and standing dinners.
Total Marble
The history of marble carving is lost in time; in one breath, it takes us back to the IV century BC, to ancient Greece where decorations and sculptures were created from the shimmering stone. Andrea and Simone Dell’Amico, the souls of Studioformat, are young designers from Carrara who live and breathe marble in the nearby quarries, challenging the material’s strength. Total Marble is a collection that introduces curved and rectangular trays, place mats and mise en place that suggest fleetingness in a material, the divine aspects of which, have been transformed into objects for everyday use.
Technical Information
  Bianco Carrara
50 x 12 x 1 cm
19.7 x 4.7 x 0.4 in
Made in Italy, hand finished.
Useful Information
MMAIRO marble products are made of valuable materials and need to be handled with care. Any difference between similar objects and from their picture on the catalogue are due to the nature of the marble, and costitute an additional value of each piece, making it truly unique and special. The contact with acid or corrosive substances may adversely affect the surface. Hand washing is recommended. Special stain treatment, where necessary food compatible.

Andrea and Simone Dell’Amico are the souls of Studioformart, an artistic studio “made in Carrara”, founded in 2003 and specialising in the design and processing of marble. Their collaborations with local and international craftsmen, artists, architects and designers are many. In addition to being teachers, the Province of Tuscany selected them to provide internships to Erasmus students from all over Europe. In 2006 and 2009 they won the D.A.B. (Design for Artshop and Bookshop) competition, participating in the exhibitions at the Galleria Civica in Modena, and Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome.

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